Wednesday, December 2, 2009

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I thought I would invite anyone who wants to come to our 7th Annual Holiday Open House! We hold it at my Sis in laws, and it's a real cozy casual atmosphere. Beside my Dresses and Bows, we'll have Home and Holiday Decor, Beaded Watches, Great Gift Ideas, Homemade Goodies, and More! It start Thurs night Dec 3 from 5-9, then Fri from 10-6, then Sat. from 10-1. Sheree's address is 3654 E. 800 N. Menan, call if you have questions...Lorina 589-4791 or Sheree 521-7726....Hope to see you there!

Monday, November 23, 2009


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Well, the Unique Boutique has come and gone, and what a whirlwind it was! It's a fun show, I love to do it because of all the energy and excitement, and I meet so many nice people. It's fun to see people year after year, although I've counted a handful of people that usually come that I didn't see, hope all is well with them. I know life is crazy busy! Thanks to all who stopped by.....Lorina

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blessing Dresses

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White Dresses are so hard to take pics of, sorry you can't see all the detail. I do offer more than these 4 blessing dresses. More pics to be taken and posted

Monday, November 9, 2009

Holiday Dresses

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and now.........the dresses

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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hmmmm....really new at this, I guess I have to rotate the pictures! Why don't they just go in the way I have them in my mind?
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I'm really new at this! I'm trying to find a convenient way to showcase the baptism, blessing and holiday dresses that I carry. Hopefully this will go well. Pictured are the "Brooklyn" an adorable baby blessing dress, (it is also available in black, brown, and soft peach) and "McKenzie" a beautiful A-line baptism dress.